Sunday, June 22, 2014

Doshisha University

KCJS takes place at the beautiful Doshisha University Imadegawa campus, where old western and modern architecture styles are mixed together. The campus is small but full of trees, benches, and people.
 Doshisha campus

Every morning we spent three hours for some extremely fast-pacing classes. In my class --- the middle class of the higher level course --- we read short novels from Nobel winning Japanese authors, watch TV news reports, go through grammar text book, make presentation every week, and do Kanji quiz every day. In addition to the regular morning lessons, we also had visiting lecture in the fancy hand-make soap shop "Lush", cultural activities to a tea house, communication parties with local Japanese students, and conversation practice with Kaiwa partner two times a week. I am really glad to have a rich Japanese speaking environment as such to push me everyday for more progress.
 Cultural activity at a tea house

 At "Lush", the fancy soap shop, where we had a great lecture about Social Marketing. 
 "Lush" believes in natural elements, encourages material recycle, and opposes to animal testing and palm tree plantation.
Some great handmade soup that smells like cheese cake.

I am satisfied with the workload, environment and pacing of my summer study so far. Would not hurt to be more bold and delicious, right? :P

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