Sunday, June 22, 2014

Doshisha University

KCJS takes place at the beautiful Doshisha University Imadegawa campus, where old western and modern architecture styles are mixed together. The campus is small but full of trees, benches, and people.
 Doshisha campus

Every morning we spent three hours for some extremely fast-pacing classes. In my class --- the middle class of the higher level course --- we read short novels from Nobel winning Japanese authors, watch TV news reports, go through grammar text book, make presentation every week, and do Kanji quiz every day. In addition to the regular morning lessons, we also had visiting lecture in the fancy hand-make soap shop "Lush", cultural activities to a tea house, communication parties with local Japanese students, and conversation practice with Kaiwa partner two times a week. I am really glad to have a rich Japanese speaking environment as such to push me everyday for more progress.
 Cultural activity at a tea house

 At "Lush", the fancy soap shop, where we had a great lecture about Social Marketing. 
 "Lush" believes in natural elements, encourages material recycle, and opposes to animal testing and palm tree plantation.
Some great handmade soup that smells like cheese cake.

I am satisfied with the workload, environment and pacing of my summer study so far. Would not hurt to be more bold and delicious, right? :P

Some Japanese People --- part 1~

1   1.   I was ready to take the Narita Airport Express for Shinagawa. The platform was quiet; no one was there but me, sitting on a bench with my two suitcases, facing the train, which was in cleaning process and not ready to load passengers yet. A man in uniform walked in my sight, holding a writing pad. A train inspector, I thought. Suddenly he turned facing the train, standing straight like a tree and dashed out his arm pointing at the connecting spot between two train cars. “よし!(Good!) ” Loudly and clearly he said, and nodded fiercely. He wrote something on his writing board and proceeded to the next connecting spot. “よし!” His arm was so straight and voice so strong. Quick and serious. “よし!” “よし!” “よし!”…He repeated the action forcefully at every connecting spot until he disappear at the end to the train where I couldn’t see.  And then it was me alone at the station again.

     2.  It was a Sunday morning in Osaka, and the shopping mall was quiet and extremely clean. I walked into a small store of lovely dresses and got attracted to a milk white Tomboy-like dress. “いらっしゃいませ!(Welcome!)” I heard this lovely and sweet voice calling from inside of the store, but as I looked up, a girl in dark punky shirt and shorts walked towards me with a huge smile on her face; a chunk of tattoo showed on her neck. “ Ye---Yeah, I was wondering if I can try this on…” I asked, turning back to the dress on my hand, realizing that my look at the girl might have been a bit impolite. “Sure sure!” The girl replied in her bright sweet voice. She took the dress from my hand and started checking meticulously for possibly blemished spots. She then walked back to the counter with the dress and cut out some thread, carefully, with a pair of mini-size scissors. Then she held the dress in both hands and guided me to the fitting room---it was surprisingly huge with exquisite decorations. I turned around to her for the dress, but she was already bowing a big deep bow with hands facing up over her head handing me the dress. “どうぞ!(Please!)” In her bright voice.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Week 1: before classes begin

Today is only the fifth day in Kyoto, but the city already feels like home. Taking the leisure time before classes begin, I visited shrines, ate around, and spent a lot of time under the sun.

At the very first, I flew to Tokyo Narita Airport from Beijing on May 27th, and took the Narita Express to 品川Shinagawa before taking the Shinkansen to Kyoto. The fare was high, but fast enough to get me to Kyoto before sunset. I took the city bus 208 to 泉涌寺道, the bus stop closest to my host family, which is situated in the southeast part of the city. With my house mate, Yingxue Wang "Yuki", we live in a two floor house separated from the family's main house; we have our own dining room, living room, bathroom, bedrooms. It is a great space.

After breakfast with our host mom (around age 70) — other family members are dad ( around 70) and two daughters (around 40) — we set out for Kyoto Train Station. At the station, we bought monthly bus pass (9240 yen/person), which is important for commuting within Kyoto—a single ride is already 230 yen. Then off we go for fun!

At 武道センター, we will be learning 合気道here:)
wish cards at 護王神社
護王神社, you can see this praying settings in every shrine.
先斗町, a very pretty alley way where you can see traditional Japanese women walking around:P
Me and Yuki at 八坂神社, right across from 祇園。
八坂神社, prefect color of pictures, isn't it?
An ordinary but exquisite restaurant; you can see this kind of lovely places everywhere!
壬生寺, with friends from KCJS. Our plan was to walk from this Tera all the way to 二条城。
 Just another pretty little shrine on the way. Clean, green, quite, and peaceful.
 We would walk the whole street to search for a 抹茶 ice cream; this one here is just perfect. Kyoto is a crazy city full of 抹茶, in all 形 you can think of: cake, drinks, cookies, sweets...
 二条城,the 17th century palace. The inside was huge and extremely clean. 
Garden of the palace, imagine walking here in beautiful beautiful kimono? :D

Well, seems like my blog is a travel guidance. But Kyoto is so much more than this. Food, people, school will be my subjects soon. For now, do my readings and off to school tomorrow :)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Kyoto in less than 24 hours!

Hi friends!

This will be my Blog about life in Kyoto for the following two months. Please enjoy!

Can't wait for Kyoto!